Don’t Close It Yet

Ever gotten one of those texts, the kind that makes your heart sink a little. I got a text from a friend that said “just say a prayer”. I don’t know the details, but I do know the deep, aching pain of losing a dream I’ve held on to for so long. Maybe you do too.

Maybe you know the inevitable pull between anger and trusting God.  Maybe you know the pain of letting go of a good dream and trusting God to write an even better story than you could ever imagine. Maybe you know the rollercoaster ride of healing a heartbreak you don’t understand.

So, as you wrestle through the pain of heartbreak and letting go, I hope you know – 

You are still worthy.

You are still loved.

You are still valuable.

You are still cherished. 

I know the harsh reality of heartbreak. The pieces are raw and messy and the edges sharp. I also know the way it can leave you feeling. Little did I know that all the breaking would be the beginning of my healing. God split me wide open and let me give Him all of the past, all of the scars, all of the present, all of the hurt and wide open wounds still bleeding, and all of the future I couldn’t see. He poured His love into that one broken heart, and it is my prayer that it would seep through the cracks and spread a little more goodness and grace to world around me. So maybe letting go really just means giving God all of my broken pieces so that in their place He can give me grace, forgiveness, redemption, and purpose. So, I’d like to challenge you not to slam the story of your life closed just yet. I’d like to challenge you to invite God in to write the next word, the next sentence, the next paragraph, the next chapter.

And, in this moment that feels like more than you can possibly endure, I pray you feel the arms of your Creator wrapped around you. I pray you know that He loves you more than you could possibly imagine. I pray you will discover joy in the process of healing and creating your most beautiful, vibrant life. I pray you will look forward to the future and see a world still full of possibility. I pray you keep your head up, your eyes focused, and your heart open to all that is coming. 

“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:21-23