A Step By Step Guide To My Current Skincare Routine

Skincare has been a beast over the past decade. It really started about back in those tender high school years, you know when you’re desperate for acceptance, and let’s just say, teenage acne was not so nice to me. Eventually, I did Accutane treatment and found a margin of relief. Yet, I still spent my twenties, squeezing through every drugstore acne treatment tube, a handful of dermatology treatments, antibiotics, direct sales skin care lines and probably everything in between! 

After turning thirty, I craved a good skincare routine that gave results. A routine that was guided by professional advice and yet flexible enough to adapt to my needs and goals. Enter LUM Aesthetics

In late fall of last year, I slowly began to transition into a medical grade skin care line with check in appointments to update the routine to maximize results! From December 2023 to March 2024, I saw a noticeable difference in reduction of pores, improved skin texture, and more confidence! Let’s walk through what I’m using on the daily as of this month!

AM Routine:

Step 1: Balancing Cleansing Emulsion

Step 2: Exfoliating Polish

Step 3: Calming Toner pH Balance

Step 4: Daily Power Defense

Step 5: Hydratint Pro Mineral Sunscreen

PM Routine:

Step 1: Balancing Cleansing Emulsion

Step 2: Calming Toner pH Balance

Step 3: Daily Power Defense

Step 4: Retinol Skin Brightener